Panel 1

Join Us This Week at MAXIMIZE

Panel 2


What we do in this life echoes through Eternity!

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Panel 3


Maximize Church Next Wave is here,
and FREEDOM looks good on GEN X Y Z who are coming in Hawwt 🔥💪🏽
and catching the God fire!

With a whole new FRESH, Maxi Next Wave brings energy & purpose to life with the real OG GOAT Jesus Christ!

CATCH UPS and connects for Gen X Y Z are twice a month on Sundays from 5pm to 7pm at Maximize Church HQ

ENJOY mixed nights of fun games, learn some guitar riffs, enjoy some food and real deal chats, no cap here we keep it 💯!

Open opportunity to come along just as you are, to connect, grow, and share in the journey of faith squadding. So, get ready to bank some memories!

INVITE all your mates, let your besties know what’s up! Come as you are and be a part of Maxi next wave!  Can’t wait to see you there – come through!

Panel 4

Contact & Location


24/191 Parramatta Road
[Parking Entry 132 Adderley Street West]
Auburn NSW 2144 Australia

9:30AM for a 10AM start
Each Sunday Morning