Great Work…

Ephesians 2:10 “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them”

I admire well-made furniture. It takes a great amount of skill, expertise and dedication to produce a worthy piece. The handiwork of the craftsman shows the high level of workmanship needed to make it function exactly how it was designed.

Our verse says that we have been created in Christ Jesus to perform good works. Remember that we can’t make ourselves anymore than a piece of furniture can make a carpenter. God makes us and He makes us how He wants us. His workmanship, skill, expertise and dedication form us into a unique piece. He fabricates us in the exact way needed to carry out His good works.

Some believers complain about how they’re made. Often they discover what they dislike proves to be their greatest strength. This is because the master builder knew exactly what He was forming and why. He creates us to perform His good works and He wants us to walk in them.

This week let’s shake off any negative thoughts we have about how we are made. God desires us to walk in the good works that He’s prepared for us. Let’s remind ourselves that we are made by God and created in Christ Jesus to function in these good works. So let’s leave any bad works behind and stick with His good works. Then we’ll be able to function exactly how we were designed.