And Suddenly…

Acts 2:2 “And SUDDENLY there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled ALL the house where they were sitting.” [KJV]

Victory will often arrive SUDDENLY. Humanity had been waiting and believing for the fullness of the answer from Genesis 1 all the way to Acts 2. They were looking for a miracle; a victory and it arrived SUDDENLY. This miracle did not only arrive SUDDENLY; it filled the entire house – every single space… even where they were sitting was filled! The promise infused and filled every area as it arrived. There was no place that the miracle did not fill.

We want you to know that it doesn’t matter what promise from God you are waiting on from heaven, God is excited to get it to you and it can arrive SUDDENLY filling every area of your life! Remember only the believers that stayed the course in the upper room had the joy of being the first to receive this promise when it arrived that day. They were ready and expectant for their answer to come and it turned up SUDDENLY, FILLING ALL the space. They were ready to receive it and they did.

This week get prepared and fully expectant for your promise from God to arrive. Let it come SUDDENLY and FILL every space you have. Believe and receive it for your future in Jesus name.