Stolen Gems…

John 10:10 “A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy”

A thief doesn’t steal something that isn’t valuable. They always take precious things leaving the worthless behind. If an item has any value at all they’ll pick it up, take possession of it, having absolutely no intention of ever returning it.

Today’s verse let’s us know about the thief. He’s not a robber who steals by force, threat or violence. He’s called a thief & thieves steal secretly without force. Our thief doesn’t want just your worldly wealth he’s in pursuit of everything of value that God has given you both natural & spiritual.

God entrusts us all with great spiritual gifts, vision and dreams that have more eternal value than all the gold, silver & gems that we could gather. The thief wants to sneak in secretly and steal everything from our lives including the spiritual. Many times he’s successful because our eyes are focused on the gold & silver rather than on the true gems of God’s Kingdom.

The thief tries to secretly steal, kill & destroy our dreams & visions so that the work of the Lord doesn’t progress here on earth.

This week let’s be watchful for the thief. If our God dream is in his sights then let’s guard it. If our spiritual gifts are being attacked then don’t let them die. Don’t allow the vision, which God has given, to be destroyed. When we’re vigilant & on guard the thief cannot enter and so he’s unable to steal, kill or destroy from us any longer.