Got Trouble…

John 14:1 “Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me.” – Jesus

Did you ever trust someone only to have them let you down? You victoriously proclaimed “I knew that would happen!” Lost trust can result in agitation, anxiety & distress. It may even cause us to doubt, which affects our ability to trust again in the future. A trouble free heart is simply a trusting heart. It’s one that’s free from agitation, anxiety & distress – the type of heart we truly want.

Today’s verse shares a golden key to keeping our hearts free of trouble. We’re told to only trust in God & Jesus. Psalm 118:8 says that it’s better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people. That’s probably because people will let us down no matter how hard they try not to. If our focus is on people rather than Jesus there’ll be trouble up ahead.

Understanding the value of trust is very important. Over 200 times in our New Testament the issue of trust is addressed. Trust simply means to think of as truth, be persuaded of, credit and place confidence in. We’re meant to trust God’s Word above everything & everybody else. If we take our life away from God’s Word we will also lose our trust. When we place it in God, where it belongs, we’ll receive a trouble free heart.

This week let’s shift our focus from those around us. No matter where our trust has been focused in the past let’s place it back on God. As we do this a trouble free heart will be restored to us and agitation, anxiety & distress will leave our lives.