Something Missing…

“And these signs will accompany those who believe” Mark 16:17

Have you ever been undertaking a task only to discover that a vital or essential element to its completion was missing? Without that piece it can never be finished. At best, without it, the result will be weak or deformed and won’t function correctly. This can prove to be very frustrating and often disheartening.

Today’s verse reminds us that God’s signs & wonders only follow those who believe and trust in His promises. Believing God’s Word individually is often the vital piece missing in obtaining victory in our lives. Often people want to trust in people who trust in the promises of God but that’s not the key to victory that the Bible teaches. We’re taught to individually believe and trust the promises of God and then we get God’s result.

Now remember that God’s Word is chock-a-block full of powerful promises and 2 Corinthians 1:20 reminds us that every promise of God is yes & amen in Jesus. This means that you and I can have exactly what the Bible says we can. The missing element to success is often individually believing, trusting and having faith for God’s Promise to occur.

This week grab a hold of the promise of God that is most vital to your future. Find Bible verses that support and encourage this promise. Start speaking them out, memorizing them, journaling and remembering them. As we believe them we’ll start to see signs & wonders that we previously thought were impossible.

“Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.”- Corrie ten Boom