Every Day…

“Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another – or maybe both”
Ecclesiastes 11:6

Every day life should be lived full of expectancy in God. Godly expectancy is an important way to fighting off depression and wrong mindsets. As we go about our daily tasks of doing good & helping others we must never tire in our generosity. A good farmer never tires in sowing seed – it’s a way of life for them. A good farmer know if he stops planting seed then he’ll stop receiving his harvest in their future.

Today’s verse helps us understand why we must develop a lifestyle of generosity. A lifestyle that gives all day long and never withholds. It’s not necessary to know exactly which seed produces our prosperity. We only need to know that as we plant in good soil, continuously being generous, prosperity always results. Some people are only generous on Sunday and stingy for the other 6 days of the week. They limit what God can do to prosper their lives.

A harvest will come from every seed we sow – good or bad. Seeds are sown through the words we speak, the finances we give and the serving work that we do… the list goes on! All these seeds will prosper as a harvest in our lives. That’s why we must continually keep our eyes of expectancy for the harvest on Jesus. He has a plan and a way of delivering it to us. It’ll often arrive in a completely different package & from a completely different source then we expect. But our harvest will always arrive!

This week lets get ready to receive. Let’s expect God to prosper us from the seeds we’ve sown. Let’s not balk at the way He chooses to return it. Let’s not question the source it flows from or the package it arrives in. Let’s accept it as a blessing from God and then sow our seed again.