An Open Invitation…

John 6:19 “Then, when they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw JESUS walking on the sea and drawing near to the boat; and they were frightened.” [NASB]

I often have a huge list of things I need to get done. Then even more gets added. It is easy to get bogged down in the pressure of getting it all completed. In today’s verse the disciples are having a similar problem. They are on the sea with the wind blowing hard against them.  Most of the night they are rowing, fighting the sea and the storm, doing all they can in the natural to get to their goal.

Then they see JESUS!

How long had he been there? Quite possibly he’d been walking right near them all night and they hadn’t noticed. They had been so busy dealing with all their circumstances. As soon as they noticed JESUS, He stepped into their boat and everything was okay as they instantly arrived at their destination.

Here’s a powerful key to the future! Don’t get bogged down in the present and fail to invite JESUS into your future. Victory is having JESUS with you. He is keeping pace with you right now but you must acknowledge him and invite him on-board. You have paddled long enough by yourself… Let JESUS step into your boat today!