Angels saw His star…

The bible shows us that angels were in the area when Jesus was born. They could have seen the star that showed His birth. They had a very unique role to play and a Godly strength that we can learn from.

Luke 2:10 “The angel said, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide”

Angels said to go tell the world!

Have you ever shared news with someone not knowing what their reaction might be? They may be happy, angry or uncaring, you just don’t know. Our angels were sharing some world changing news but firstly they had to deal with fear and then deliver the good news of Jesus. The key was that they didn’t let fear hold them back.

The news of the birth of our savior was intended for everybody across the entire world. It wasn’t meant stay in Bethlehem. It was to be echoed throughout the earth to everyone. It was the news that mankind had been waiting to hear.

When people receive good news they’re often busting to tell others. Good news is almost uncontainable. As we discovered last week the shepherds who received this news told everyone they met. They didn’t allow fear to bind them and stop them from telling the world.

What part of the Gospel of the Good News of Jesus have you received that you want to tell the whole world about?

This Christmas season don’t let fear stop you from sharing the good news of Jesus. There are generations of people who have been waiting to hear it. Why not be the one who shares this with great joy to everyone you meet. It will change their lives and you’ll be so glad you did!