No Doubt…

Philippians 1:6There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.”

Some people are great starters but can’t finish anything. Others seem to be able to complete everything they’re given. There’s always a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction whenever a task is fully completed. When all the loose ends have been tied up and there is nothing else to do we feel good.

Todays verse let’s us see a little of the character and nature of God.  Paul teaches us that he has no doubt that Jesus is a finisher. Whatever God starts in us He’ll keep at until it’s complete. What a powerful characteristic this is. Not only does it show perseverance it also shows outstanding stewardship on God’s part.

Remember that every work that God starts is a great work. The purpose and plan that God has for us are great works and friends; He’s already started them in us.  Know that He is going to complete them… no questions asked! God is a finisher of everything He starts.

This week allow God to perform His great work in you rather than push against it. Lend your voice to it in agreement by speaking out “Yes Lord, I allow your great work in me to progress” Before long the fruit of yielding will cause your life to move rapidly towards a flourishing finish. You’ll notice the swift change and so will all those around you.