
“Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him” 
Proverbs 30:5

The most expensive & sought-after diamonds are the ones with the least number of flaws. All diamonds have flaws but as their number decrease the price of the gem skyrockets. People will pay a high price for the most perfect stone they can find.

Today’s verse reminds us that EVERY WORD OF GOD IS FLAWLESS. To be flawless is to have no blemish, imperfection, mistake or shortcoming. If God’s Word was a diamond it would be so perfect & treasured that no one could ever afford the price to buy it.

Our Bible has over 700,000 words and every Word carries value beyond our comprehension. This flawless Word of God becomes our shield as we take refuge behind it. We’re protected by the most pure & valuable shield there is. Nothing is able to penetrate it. We are sheltered, protected and secure when His Word is before us.

This week let’s place value upon the Word of God in our lives. Let’s put it before us as our shield and take refuge in Him. Let’s keep God’s Word before us by reading, speaking and listening to it. This honour of God’s Word will result in a future that is above & beyond what we could ever ask or think.