His Great Plan…

“But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; the plans of his heart to all generations” 
Psalm 33:11

Every day people build things they’ve planned like houses, offices and roads. When they’re first built, they’re beautiful & new but as the years pass, they decay and often disappear. They simply don’t last forever.

Today’s verse reminds us that God has the only plans that enable things to stand forever. Try as we might, unless we do things Gods way, whatever we produce will simply corrode, crumble & disappear. But when they’re done God’s way, they can stand firm forever.

The second part of this verse lets us know what God’s plans include. They include all generations with no exclusions. They include the young, the old and all those in between – there are no exclusions. Today would be a great day to look over our many plans to ensure that they include all generations as well so they’ll stand firm as we pursue God’s promise!

So, let’s remember that God’s plans for our future will stand firm when they’re in line with His Word. The as we partner with our surrounding generations we’ll grow in God; they’ll grow in God and His Kingdom will expand here on Earth. God will ensure His plans through us are destined to stand firm forever.