A Reason For Confidence…

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God” 
Psalm 20:7

Have you ever seen the chariot race in the classic movie “Ben Hur”? There’s so much going on with horses, chariots and people. Everybody’s trusting in the horses & chariots and some of them meet very grisly ends. They have plenty of power but we’re definitely not meant to put our trust in them.

Today’s verse is a timely reminder for us to trust in the Name of the Lord and nothing else. It’s easy to see powerful personalities, corporations or identities & decide to place our trust in them and on what they say. But it will only lead us to a grisly end. We must put our whole trust In God, His Word & His Name.

This verse also reminds us that it’s only “some” who put their trust in the wrong things. We, as bible believing Christians, know that the things of this world are temporal [2 Corinthians 4:18, James 4:14]. So why would we put our trust in something that is going to vanish. We will trust the Lord!

This week let’s take time aside to make valued decisions based upon God’s Word. If we discover our trust has been misplaced onto worldly things let’s make adjustments and bring life back into line with His Word by trusting in Him. As we do, life will become less grisly and more enjoyable. Our future will be so much brighter and life will flourish again.