Come, let’s climb God’s Mountain
Isaiah 2:3
Climbing a mountain can be a solo or a group sport. Generally, it’s more fun and safer to climb with others rather than alone. Scaling a mountain can be hard work but as we climb together, we eventually get to celebrate together when we reach the peak. It’s a shared experience that everyone benefits from.
Today’s verse invites us to do the hard work of climbing with others. It encourages us to unite and push deeper into the revelation and understanding that God has for us. Just like climbing a mountain in the natural it’s not easy but it’s a whole lot more enjoyable doing it with others rather than struggling on alone.
As we climb higher into God our verse follows on to explain that God will show us the way He works so we can live the way we’re made. That is the mountain peak we’re heading to… living life God’s way! Each one of us has been fearfully and wonderfully made [Psalm 139:14] and when we do things God’s way our life becomes prosperous and flourishing.
This week let’s gather together some company to climb further towards God. Let’s pray with a friend, read a book, listen to some preaching or someone sharing their journey of life. As we do this, we’ll quickly learn from them. Then, in no time at all, we’ll conquer a peak on God’s Mountain, celebrate together and still have the strength to push on and climb even higher together in God.