
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it
John 1:5

Have you ever experienced a trick candle on a birthday cake? Every time an attempt is made to blow it out it flickers back to life. Even if we try blowing from every conceivable angle the candle continues to burn brightly & consistently. No matter what we try we cannot extinguish it – it is inextinguishable.

Today’s verse comes from the book of John. John chapter 1 tells us that Jesus is God and Jesus’ life is the light of all mankind. It says that Jesus is here and He is totally inextinguishable. In other words, Jesus cannot be stopped, slowed or extinguished by society and its militant agendas. No one can ever put out this light. It’s a light that will continue shining into even the darkest places. It’s a light that lets mankind know that there’s life, light & love available to every person.

As born-again believers we’re warned in Mark 5:15 to never hide this light, which is Jesus. We’re to allow it to shine to everyone around us. People should easily see through us the life, light & love that is available to them. No matter what they say, do or how they react let’s not allow them to quench our light. Instead let’s allow it to shine even brighter and shine further than it has ever shone before.

This week is the week to ensure our light shines brightly. Let’s make our life, light & love a gift to others as we celebrate the death & powerful resurrection of Jesus. Let’s help our friends & families by bringing light into their darkness. Jesus will shine brightly in their lives bringing His life, light & love. Before we know it, they’ll be alight and shining the inextinguishable life of Jesus too.