No Surprises…

Psalm 119:165 “The people who love God’s Instructions enjoy peace and lots of it and nothing shall offend them”

I enjoy walking on paths that twist and turn on their way to a destination. My mind thinks about what’s coming up ahead or what’s beyond the next turn. As I stay on the path I arrive safely at the destination.

God has a path for us. Our verse says that as we walk on His Path and follow His Instructions offense won’t be able to lead us astray. Isn’t it great to know that around the next bend of life can be lots of peace rather than another unexpected offense?

Offense always leads us away from God. It takes us into a wilderness of self-interest and deception. We soon discover that peace has gone and the never-ending storms of life are tossing us about instead. This all resulted from us following an offense.

God has provided us with a fabulous escape from offense. All we do is simply follow His Instructions. When we start doing things His Way we suddenly find ourselves back on His path for our life and His path is an offense free path.

Don’t allow offense to stalk you and lead you away from God. Instead hold firm to God’s way of doing things. Before long you’ll find that there is LOTS OF PEACE in your life. Soon others will be looking to you to lead them along His path of life towards peace.

CLICK HERE to download a FREE Word Study to help you with offense.

It’s the Highway…

Joshua 1: 6 “Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.” [MSG]

I love driving between cities on modern highways. They are so much faster and more efficient than driving on old low roads that were built for a horse and cart.

During life’s journey we are continually offered opportunities to take the low road of being timid, fearful and discouraged. God wants us to know that there is a super highway available to us. It is a highway of strength and courage. A highway that will deliver us to our destination faster, efficiently and right on time!

Remember, like Joshua, we must learn to fight fear, discouragement and weakness when they attack us. God told Joshua many times over to be strong and courageous as he faced fear, weakness and discouragement. He is the same God now!

So today… “BE STRONG AND OF GOOD COURAGE.” The future that God has planned for you is full of promise and beauty.  Choose to walk along the highway of strength and courage that He has provided. God is on this road with you every step of the way – SO LET’S GO!

A Bright End…

Proverbs 4:18 “The ways of right-living people glow with light; the longer they live, the brighter they shine.” [MSG]

We spent time in a small Australian town where a great tourist attraction was glowworms.  As the evening grew dark the worms began to glow. It seemed the later you stayed and the darker it became the brighter the worms glowed.

According to God’s word our lives should glow with His light too. How does this happen? By living right. Living right means living the way that God’s Word instructs us to live. When we do this our light shines brighter and begins illuminating everything around us. It does not matter how dark the world becomes our light just glows brighter – like the glowworms.

Ponder this for a moment. When you live your life God’s way it causes an illumination of His path for your life.  God desires to illuminate every step we take to make it easy for us to achieve our God destination. God wants you to reach it.

Living the right lifestyle will illuminate the way ahead for both you and those around you.

Let your light shine brightly today!