Turn Your Life Around…

Choose life so that you and your children will live
Deuteronomy 30:19

Have you ever felt like you’re living in a whirlpool of difficulty? Everywhere you look something seems to be going wrong. There are broken relationships, difficult workplaces and rude, opinionated people. You want to run & escape. You want your life restored to one of success a& blessing.

Today’s verse lets us know that our choices determine our life. It also reminds us that the choices we make determine whether our children live under a blanket of blessing or in a whirlpool of difficulty. To live blessed is to ensure we make choices that contain life rather than death. Life results from making continual Godly choices.

Every day we’re faced with many choices. God gifted us each with a brain and He expects us to use them to choose life. God promised Joshua success when he followed Him & obeyed His Word [Joshua 1]. Joshua’s family was blessed because Joshua made good choices, even in battle. God was continually with Joshua and he overcame every difficulty he faced. Circumstance were never allowed to determined Joshua’s choice and they shouldn’t determine ours either.

This week let’s take responsibility for making good choices. Let’s make our decisions by looking through God’s Word [the Bible] rather than by being driven by circumstance. In no time at all we’ll turn the tide from death, decay and disaster into life, increase and success. Our children will live in the blessing of our decisions and they won’t be drawn into whirlpools of difficulty. Choose well this week; choose life, choose God!

The Best Choice….

Oh, that you would CHOOSE LIFE, so that you and your descendants might live! 
Deuteronomy 30:19

After looking at the café menu the hardest thing to do is choose from all the options offered. Everything looks great but what should we really choose. What is the healthiest option and what do we really need to eat? Eventually the decision is made and the order is placed.

Today’s verse lets us know about a life choice that we’re offered. We’re told earlier in this verse that we can choose between life or death. Also, we can choose between blessing or curse. What we choose is exactly what we’ll get. That’s why God says CHOOSE LIFE.

God has made this decision process so simple. We’re meant to choose life each & every time that there’s an option. As we do this, we’ll be choosing life and we’ll get the remainder of the promise offered here. That promise is that you & your descendants might live, or in other words, have a life of continued abundance. The problem is many refuse to choose life and they settle into a spiral of death. The only way out of this is to begin to CHOOSE LIFE!

This week let’s CHOOSE LIFE out of every available option. Choose live salad at your café, choose biblical preaching on your TV, speak words of life rather than death. No matter what options you have, choose the one that contains the most life. You’ll soon discover that your life is growing and expanding like never before. Not only that, your descendants will benefit from your decision too. So, praise God today for our ability to CHOOSE LIFE!

Turning Life Around…

“Choose life so that you and your children will live”
Deuteronomy 30:19

Have you ever felt like you’re living in a whirlpool of difficulty? Everywhere you look something seems to be going wrong. There are broken relationships, difficult workplaces and rude, opinionated people. You want to run & escape. You want your life restored to one of success and blessing.

Today’s verse lets us know that our choices determine our life. It also reminds us that the choices we make determine whether our children live under a blanket of blessing or in a whirlpool of difficulty. To live blessed is to ensure we make choices that contain life rather than death. Life results from making continual Godly choices.

Every day we’re faced with many choices. God gifted us with a brain and He expects us to use it to choose life. God promised Joshua success when he followed Him and obeyed His Word [Joshua 1]. Joshua’s family was blessed because Joshua made good choices, even in battle. God was continually with Joshua and he overcame every difficulty he faced. Circumstance were never allowed to determined Joshua’s choice and they shouldn’t determine ours either.

This week let’s take responsibility for making good choices. Let’s make our decisions by looking through God’s Word [the Bible] rather than by being driven by circumstance. In no time at all we’ll turn the tide from death, decay and disaster into life, increase and success. Our children will live in the blessing of our decisions and they won’t be drawn into whirlpools of difficulty. Choose well this week; choose life, choose God!

Choose Life….

Deuteronomy 30:19 Oh, that you would CHOOSE LIFE, so that you and your descendants might live!

After looking at the café menu the hardest thing to do is choose from all the options offered. Everything looks great but what should I really choose. What is the healthiest option and what do I really need to eat. Eventually the decision is made and the order is placed.

Today’s verse let’s us know about a life choice that we’re offered. We’re told earlier in this verse that we can choose between life or death. Also, we can choose between blessing or curse. What we choose is exactly what we’ll get. That’s why God says CHOOSE LIFE.

God has made this decision process so simple. We’re meant to choose life each & every time that there’s an option. When we do this we’ll be choosing life and we’ll get the promise offered here. That promise is that you & your descendants might live, or in other words have a life of continued abundance. The problem is many refuse to choose life and so settle into a spiral of death. The only way out of this is to begin to CHOOSE LIFE!

This week let’s CHOOSE LIFE out of every available option. Choose live salad at your café, choose biblical preaching on your TV, pick words of life to speak rather than death. No matter what options you have, choose the one that contains the most life. You’ll soon discover that your life is growing and expanding like never before. Not only that, your descendants will benefit from your decision too. So praise God today for the ability to CHOOSE LIFE!