Everything is Beautiful…

God has made everything beautiful in its time
Ecclesiastes 3:11

As a child many of us probably remember hearing the story of the ugly duckling. How a homely little bird, born in a barnyard, was teased by all the other animals. The little bird didn’t look like what they expected. Much to its delight, as it grows up and matured it becomes a beautiful swan. What once seemed ugly has now become beautiful.

Today’s verse lets us know God’s plan of beauty. His plan & purpose for everything is that it becomes beautiful. But we have to allow time for that to happen. Genesis 1:31 says that: “God looked over all He had made, and He saw that it was very good!” So, everything God made is very good but at first glance we don’t always see it that way. Sometimes things can look awful, ugly and a little bit homely.

The longer we stay in God’s Word & His Presence the more beautiful things become. Given enough time everything can mature. What may have looked awful & ugly has the potential to become beautiful. But if we don’t allow the time for it to grow & mature, we’ll never see the splendour it contains.

This week let’s work on finding the beauty that surrounds us. If we notice something that is not as lovely as we expect, let’s give it a little more time to grow & mature. As we stay in God’s Word, continue worshipping & believing Him everything will become beautiful in its time. What seemed like impossible at first glance will be possible & will be transformed into beauty. 

A Strong Year…

“God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot understand what God has done from beginning to end.”
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Very soon fireworks will be bursting in the sky, trumpets will be blaring and everyone will be celebrating the new year. For many it will be just another event but, for those who choose, it can become a defining moment in their journey with God.

Today’s verse gives us some powerful keys to make this coming year strong & stable. It basically says… Don’t rush… Search your heart… Trust God

Don’t rush – Everything we do doesn’t have to be accomplished in 1 day. Some things take time. If we allow time to do its work then God will ensure that everything becomes beautiful.

Search your heart – Remember that God has planted eternity in our hearts. It makes good sense that we should search our heart and get an eternal prospective on our plans. When we make a habit of checking every plan with God we’ll have great success ahead.

Trust God – Ensure that your trust is in God. He knows the beginning from the end and every step in-between. There is no one trust worthier than God. When we put our trust in Him our lives stand on a solid & sure foundation.

Let’s make this coming year the best year ever. Let’s start this new year off on a strong foot. Let’s make God central & pivotal at the very start so we’re empowered to end the year in strength. Let’s ensure God remains the focus throughout the whole year, not just the day. Then the end will be so much better than the start.

Just Beautiful…

“God has made everything beautiful in its time”
Ecclesiastes 3:11

As a child many of us probably remember hearing the story of the ugly duckling. How a homely little bird, born in a barnyard, was teased by all the other animals. The little bird didn’t look like what they expected. Much to its delight, as it grows up and matures it becomes a beautiful swan. What once seemed ugly has now become beautiful.

Today’s verse let’s us know God’s plan of beauty. His plan & purpose for everything is that it becomes beautiful. But we have to allow time for that to happen. Genesis 1:31 says that: “God looked over all He had made, and He saw that it was very good!” So, everything God made is very good but we don’t always see it that way at first glance. Sometimes things can look awful, ugly and a little bit homely.

The longer we stay in God’s Word & His Presence the more beautiful things become. Given enough time everything can mature. What may have looked awful & ugly has the potential to become beautiful. But if we don’t allow the time for it to grow & mature, we’ll never see the splendor it contains.

This week let’s work on finding the beauty that surrounds us. If we notice something that is not as lovely as we expect, lets give it a little more time to grow & mature. Stay in God’s Word, continue worshipping Him believing that everything will be beautiful in its time. As we do this we’ll see ugly transform into beauty. What seemed like impossible at first glance will be possible & beautiful in its time.

A Strong Year…

Ecclesiastes 3:11 “God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot understand what God has done from beginning to end.”

Soon fireworks will be bursting in the sky, trumpets will be blaring and everyone will be celebrating the new year. For many it will be just another event but, for those who choose, it can become a defining moment in their journey with God.

Our family always enter the new year on a strong foot. We make sure that God is central and pivotal at the start so he remains the focus for the whole year, not just the day. Ecclesiastes 3:11 will help make this coming year strong and stable for you.

It gives 3 powerful keys on how to enter this new season:

  1. Don’t rush
  2. Search your heart
  3. Trust God

Don’t rush – Everything we do doesn’t have to be accomplished in one day. Some things take time. If we allow time to do its work then God will ensure that everything becomes beautiful.

Search your heart – Remember that God has planted eternity in our hearts. It makes good sense that we should search our heart and get an eternal prospective on our plans. Make a habit of checking every plan with God and you will have great success ahead.

Trust God – Ensure that your trust is in God. He knows the beginning from the end and every step in-between. There is no one trustworthier than God. When we put our trust in Him our lives stand on a solid and sure foundation.

We believe that 2013 is going to be the best year yet for you. Making God the central and pivotal point at the start is a simple key to having a strong year!