Island Getaway

Whoever isolates himself pursues his own desire; he resists all sound advice
Proverbs 18:1

Sometime when life gets hectic & overwhelming our mind starts looking for an escape. Our imagination takes us to a deserted tropical Island where there is nothing but a palm tree, hammock and a cool drink. We live like a castaway with no pressure, people or things to do. This Island getaway is simply a trap. Isolating ourselves is not the answer to our problems or to the pressures of life.

Today’s verse says that isolation isn’t God’s way. God created each of us and He knows what’s best for us. God said at creation [Genesis 2:18] that it isn’t good, beneficial or pleasing for us to be isolated. Today’s verse explains why. When we separate ourselves from others we’re breeding selfishness. We are seeking our own desire rather than God’s. Isolating ourselves will not solve any problem or release any of life’s pressure. We’re simply trapping & hurting ourselves.

Our verse continues on to reminds us that if we selfishly persist in isolation, we will end up resisting all sound advice & wisdom. This includes the rich treasure of wisdom from God’s Word and also input from His counsel in our lives [Proverbs 15:22]. Isolation will take us on a road to destruction that is not intended for the born-again believer.

This week let’s getaway from the Islands of isolation that we have escaped to. Let’s reconnect with Godly people who we may have carelessly pulled away from. Let’s build some new bridges with other Christians who are reaching out to help us. Let’s be vigilant not to repeat our destructive past by isolating and separating from others. Then let’s get ready because in no time at all our life will flourish.

Being with YOU…

“I’ll be with YOU as YOU do this, day after day after day,
right up to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:20

Life seems so much better when we have someone to share it with. It matters little whether we’re traveling, doing our day-to-day work or simply relaxing. To have someone with us makes everything more enjoyable & comfortable. God formed us to be social [Genesis 2:18] knowing that it will help us increase & prosper in our future.

In today’s verse we learn that Jesus wants to be with YOU. He wants to be with YOU through every part of every day. He wants to be with YOU for as long as possible. He doesn’t want to leave YOU. But He says there is something YOU must do to help this happen… it is called “The Great Commission”

The central focus of the great commission is YOU. Jesus instructs YOU to take everything He’s given YOU and use it for Him. YOU must make disciples with it. YOU must baptize with it. YOU must teach God’s way of doing life with it. When YOU do, His promise to YOU will happen. He’ will be with YOU always.

This week lets get closer to Jesus. Let’s take the power & authority He’s given us and lets start using it for others. Let’s make more disciples with it. Lets mark more people through baptism with it. Let’s share how doing things God’s way always brings success. YOU are the one who He commissioned to do this. So don’t wait for someone else to move & do it first. Step out & step up and discover the beauty of having Jesus with YOU day after day after day.

An Island Getaway…

“Whoever isolates himself pursues his own desire; he resists all sound advice” Proverbs 18:1

Sometime when life gets hectic & overwhelming our mind starts looking for an escape. Our imagination takes us to a deserted tropical Island where there is nothing but a palm tree, hammock and a cool drink. We live like a castaway with no pressure, people or things to do. This Island getaway is simply a trap. Isolating ourselves is not the answer to our problems or to the pressures of life.

Today’s verse says that isolation isn’t God’s way. God created each of us and He knows what’s best for us. God said at creation [Genesis 2:18] that it isn’t good, beneficial or pleasing for us to be isolated. Today’s verse explains why. When we separate ourselves from others we’re breeding selfishness. We are seeking our own desire rather than God’s. Isolating ourselves will not solve any problem or release any of life’s pressure. We’re simply trapping & hurting ourselves.

Our verse continues on to reminds us that if we selfishly persist in isolation we will end up resisting all sound advice & wisdom. This includes the rich treasure of wisdom from God’s Word and also input from His counsel in our lives [Proverbs 15:22]. Isolation will take us on a road to destruction that is not intended for the born-again believer.

This week let’s getaway from the Islands of isolation that we have escaped to. Let’s reconnect with Godly people who we may have carelessly pulled away from. Let’s build some new bridges with other Christians who are reaching out to help us. Let’s be vigilant not to repeat our destructive past by isolating and separating from others. Then get ready because in no time at all life will flourish.