Caution Roadwork…

Philippians 1:6 “I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished…”

When roadwork commence on a highway it’s easy to become frustrated. We have to slow down and crawl along while they work to upgrade the road. Eventually it is complete and we are speeding along in safety again. We soon forget that it had ever happened.

Likewise our verse tells us about the work God has planned in us. He says He has already started it and that it is going to continue. It will keep going until it is complete just like road works. At that time we will again speed along in life and get to the planned destination safely.

The powerful key to victory here is to never allow frustration to set in. God is doing a perfect work in us so we need to slow down and yield to His mighty hand. It may seem slow, bumpy and dirty but as soon as it’s complete we’ll forget the difficulty and frustration that was there. We’ll be speeding along with a smile on our face.

This week know that God is doing a work in you and in everyone around you. Decide not to react in frustration and anger but reach out to others with love and concern. As you do this you’ll reap the same back as a harvest in your life. Rather than people reacting to you they’ll be supporting you. Try it and see just how true the Word of God can be in your life.

It’s Coming To You…

Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” [NASB]

Did you ever plant seeds in a garden and they failed to come up? This has happened to me and it can be quite disappointing. In life we often carry expectations that do not produce our anticipated result. We can end up HARVESTING something different to what we wanted or expected to get.

This is where our verse fits, giving us understanding about our HARVEST. You see a HARVEST always comes from what we previously planted. What we plant includes attitudes, finances, words, acts of kindness… the list is endless!

The truth is that spiritual laws have the potential to operate in either a positive or negative way, depending on how we use them. It is absolutely vital that we take into account that in our future we will be required to HARVEST what we planted.

Here’s the solution: Plant good seed! As we consciously do this we plant less bad seed and when HARVEST time comes we have confidence that it will be a good HARVEST!

Remember this: Don’t plant what you don’t want to HARVEST in your future.

There is always a HARVEST coming to us – let’s make sure it a good one!

Every day…

Ecclesiastes 11:6 “In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening withhold not your hands, for you know not which shall prosper, whether this or that, or whether both alike will be good.” [AMP]

Every day we need to live our lives full of expectancy in God. This is a key way to fight off depression and wrong mindsets that have taken hold in our lives. As we go about our daily tasks of doing good and helping others, we must never tire in our generosity. Farmers will never tire in sowing seed – it is a way of life for them. Farmers know that if they stop planting seed then they will stop receiving a harvest in their future.

This verse helps us understand that we must develop a lifestyle of generosity. A life that gives all day long and never withholds. It is not necessary to know which seed produces our upcoming prosperity. We only need to know that we must plant in the right soil and continue to be generous people to prosper. Some people are generous on Sunday and stingy for the other 6 days of the week. They have just limited what God can bring to prosper their lives.

A harvest will come from every seed we sow – good or bad. Seeds are sown through the words we speak, the finances we give and the serving works that we do… the list goes on! These seeds will all prosper as a harvest in our lives. We must continually keep our expectation for the harvest on Jesus. He has a plan and a way of delivering it to us. Harvest often arrives in a completely different package or from a different source then we expect – but it will always arrive!

This week expect that God is going to prosper you! Don’t balk at the way He chooses to do it, the source it comes from or the package it arrives in – accept your blessing from God.