Rising up…

Matthew 13:33 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread.”

Now I’m sure we have all seen the work that yeast does when we make bread. We put a very small amount in the mixture and in no time it has permeated the whole thing. Yeast doesn’t stop its work there though. It then begins to expand and stretch the dough until it is ready for baking.

This verse tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven, or more simply God’s way of doing things, works like yeast. You only need to introduce a little into your life and before long every area of your life is influenced by it. You begin feeling yourself stretching and expanding in God as it does its perfect work.

Often people ask us how to grow in God. The answer is to pick a truth from God’s Word and obey it. Let it into your life and it will begin working like yeast causing good change in so many areas.

This week why not do this for yourself. Open up your bible and locate a truth from God’s Word that you would like in your life. Do exactly what the bible says to receive it. Then allow it to commence working in you like yeast. Before long the Kingdom of Heaven will be permeating every part of your life and you will be growing in God like never before. It is a simple process with a powerful result – try it!

Go a Little Further…

Matthew 26:39 “He (Jesus) went on A LITTLE FURTHER and bowed with his face to the ground, PRAYING, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” [NLT]

This is a great verse… This week, go A LITTLE FURTHER than you have gone before. Even when it may seem painful or the expected result may not appear to be the easiest. Why? To enable you to reach your victory exactly as Jesus did. Jesus had to accomplish the will of His Father so he went on A LITTLE FURTHER.

Often we can have feelings that we are at our limit or that we can’t go on any further. At these times, if we can summon up the obedience to move forward on God’s Word, we will step into our future with all it’s rewards. We often underestimate our strength to accomplish God’s will because we refuse to step out of our comfort zones. We want to dwell in a place of comfort then gripe and complain about nothing happening in our lives.

As you go A LITTLE FURTHER today remember to do exactly what Jesus did, He went on A LITTLE FURTHER then he stopped and PRAYED. PRAYER is the connection between the Father and us. It allows the plans of heaven to invade our world, causes confusion to cease and revives our spiritual strength.

Fulfilling God’s will in this season of your life is often as simple as just going A LITTLE FURTHER!!