Forward Sight…

Why do you keep looking backward to your past and have second thoughts about following me
Jesus speaking in Luke 9:62

The rear-view mirror in a car is good for a quick glance behind but it’s useless in guiding us forward. This mirror simply displays a tiny part of what’s behind us. In contrast the windscreen is so much larger. It gives us a panorama of where we’re actually heading. It shows us exactly what’s ahead. We can only drive safely looking through the windscreen not staring into the rear-view mirrors.

In today’s verse we discover that Jesus shares a similar detail. He says that our tendency in life is to look backwards to our past. Whenever we do this, we miss out on so much. We only see a small portion of what life has been. We see such a small piece that it causes us to have second thoughts. These thoughts make us see our future in the wrong way.

The future that God has for us is an absolute panorama. 2 Corinthians tells us that it is both wide-open & spacious. It goes onto say that our future is full of all of God’s promises. So why keep looking back to our past? Let’s train ourselves to continuously look forward. Let’s keep looking at the vista before us. Let’s keep pursuing the promises, building His Kingdom, loving His Bride; the Church.

This week is our opportunity to move ahead in life & connect with our future. It’s not that difficult to achieve. We simply stop looking back through the rear-view mirror of life and start looking through the windscreen of promises that God has for our future. As we keep ignoring the temptation to glimpse at our past our thought life will change and we’ll be staring at an absolutely magnificent future. It’s the future God formed specifically for us that was unobtainable in our past.

A Golden Rule…

No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God
Luke 9:62

“Don’t look back” was a golden rule when running foot races at school. If we constantly turned to see where our opponents were we’d slow down & stray from our lanes. The best way to win was to simply keep looking forwarding towards the finish & give all our energies to reaching it.

Today’s verse lets us know that it’s similar in God’s kingdom. We’re shown that, once we’ve started doing things God’s way, we should never return to the old way of doing them. We’re told that this is the same for each & every one of us. Our own ways may be good but God’s way is always brilliant. Every time we do things God’s way, we get good success.

The thing is it’s not always easy. Our mind & logic continually try to turn our head back to look at the ways we used to accomplish things. These were our own selfish ways instead of God’s generous ways. When we look back like this, we make ourselves unfit for the best result that God has intended.

This week let’s actively focus on God’s way of doing things in our lives. Let’s choose one area in which we’re struggling and then try solving it God’s way rather than our own. As we do this, we’ll become fit for God’s Kingdom & His result. Then let’s confidently move onto another area that we can work out in our lives God’s way. Before long we’ll be moving forward and the temptation to look back, slow down and lose direction will be a far gone memory. We’ll be experiencing God’s best in more areas of our lives as we flourish into our future.

Looking Back…

“Why do you keep looking backward to your past
and have second thoughts about following me?”
Luke 9:62

The rear-view mirror in a car is good for a quick glance behind but it’s useless in guiding us forward. This mirror simply displays a tiny part of what’s behind us. In contrast the windscreen is so much larger. It gives us a panorama of where we’re actually heading. It shows us exactly what’s ahead. We can only drive safely looking through the windscreen not staring into the mirror.

In today’s verse we discover that Jesus shares a similar detail. He says that our tendency in life is to look backwards to our past. Whenever we do this we miss out on so much. We only see a small portion of what life has been. We see such a small piece that it causes us to have second thoughts. These thoughts make us see our future in the wrong way.

The future that God has for us is an absolute panorama. 2 Corinthians tells us that it’s both wide-open & spacious. It goes onto say that our future is full of all of God’s promises. So why keep looking back to our past? Let’s train ourselves to continuously look forward. Let’s keep looking at the vista before us. Let’s keep pursuing the promises, building His Kingdom, loving His Bride; the Church.

This week is our opportunity to move ahead in life & connect with our future. It’s not that difficult to achieve. We simply stop looking back through the rear-view mirror of life and start looking through the windscreen of promises that God has for our future. As we keep ignoring the temptation to glimpse at our past our thought life will change and we’ll be staring at an absolutely magnificent future. It’s the future God formed specifically for us that was unobtainable in our past.

A Golden Rule…

No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:62

“Don’t look back” was a golden rule when running foot races at school. If we constantly turned to see where our opponents were we’d slow down & stray from our lanes. The best way to win was to simply keep look forwarding towards the finish & give all our energies to reaching it.

Today’s verse lets us know that it’s similar in God’s kingdom. We’re shown that, once we’ve started doing things God’s way, we should never return to the old way of doing them. We’re told that this is the same for each & every one of us. Our own ways may be good but God’s way is always brilliant. Every time we do things God’s way we get good success.

This is not always easy. Our mind & logic continually tries to turn our head back to look at the ways we used to accomplish things. These were our own selfish ways instead of God’s generous ways. When we look back like this we make ourselves unfit for the best result that God has intended

This week let’s actively focus on God’s way of doing things in our lives. Let’s choose one area in which we’re struggling and then try solving it God’s way rather than our own. As we do this we become fit for God’s Kingdom & His result. Then we’re able to confidently move onto another area that we can workout God’s way. Before long we’ll be moving forward and temptation to look back, slow down and lose direction will be a far gone memory. We’ll be experiencing God’s best in more areas of our lives as we flourish into our future.

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