Turn Your Dream Into Reality…

Ecclesiastes 5:3 “For dreams result from much WORK and a fool’s voice from many words.” [HCSB]

How do you want to be known? Our world is filled with talkers. Some people can talk endlessly about their dream but that’s it… they only talk! They never do the hard WORK needed to make their dream a reality. They just talk about it and hope someone else will build it for them. The bible calls them fools. No matter what our dream is… God’s word is clear that it will only bring results through hard WORK.

When we WORK hard towards our dream it will produce for us and it will please us. The dream God has placed in your heart is very precious. He placed it there for YOU to work on. This dream is significant and the time is NOW to make it happen!

The truth is that every day God wants you to do something active and positive to move towards your dream. It may be a major thing or a minor thing; it doesn’t really matter as long as you do something, every day, to move closer.

Remember… Preparation time is NEVER lost time! So maximize the resource of your free time, your preparation time and invest it into your dream today!

A Winner Never Quits…

Revelation 2:26 “Here’s the reward I have for every CONQUEROR, everyone who keeps at it, REFUSING to give up: You’ll RULE the nations” [MSG]

Success starts with keeping at it and refusing to give up! Don’t let circumstances keep you from moving ahead. Simply keep a forward moving momentum in life, REFUSE to give up and you will conquer and be given rule in the nations.

Now this is not a promise exclusively for the preacher or for certain ‘special’ Christians. It is available for every CONQUEROR! God is no respecter of persons and gives us all the opportunity to RULE and have authority over nations.

Remember, all we have to do is keep moving forward in the will of God, refuse to quit and we will conquer in both the big and small things to receive all of His promised rewards.

A rewarding future awaits you… DON’T GIVE UP!

It’s True! Payday Is Coming…

Ephesians 6:8 “Good work will get you GOOD PAY from the Master, regardless of whether you are slave or free.” [MSG]

Payday will always come! We all love payday because we get a return for our time and labor giving us money to use for our future. When God is your master you will always get the BEST pay for serving Him, His leaders, His people and doing life His way… now this is fantastic news.

But that’s just a part of the story; the devil has a payday as well for those who do things his way. The devils pay is debt, sickness, disease and brokenness… everything that you and I don’t want.   People often carry out his work not realizing that without a doubt he will surely pay them in their future… guaranteed!

Sometimes it seems as if those who do evil are prospering… NEVER despair. We need to have great compassion for them because they have not yet had their eyes opened to the devils payday! Pray they will see it before eternity!

For these and many other reasons KEEP DOING GOOD WORKS FOR THE LORD. Our payday is coming with GOOD PAY from our master. Never tire in doing good works; you’ll be so glad you did… God’s payday always comes!