Overtaking Blessings…

Deuteronomy 28:2 “And all these blessings shall come on you, and overtake you, if you shall hearken unto the voice of The Lord your God.”

Have you ever been driving along a road and suddenly noticed a vehicle has sped right up behind you. In no time it overtakes and is in front of you. What you hadn’t noticed coming up behind is now clearly visible in front of you.

Now, the only way that something can overtake is if it’s travelling on the same road, in the same direction that we are. This verse shows that you and I are travelling on the very same road as God’s blessings whenever we listen to and obey His Word. When we stay on this road so does God’s blessing.

Now, there is an amazing promise from God delivered through this verse. It lets us know that the blessings God has prepared are not just travelling on the same road but they’re going to catch us and then overtake. This means that God’s blessings will move from being in a place that’s hard to see into a place where it will be impossible to miss them. They’ll move from the unseen into our future right in front of us.

God’s blessings are right on our tails. They’re waiting for the opportunity to overtake and get in front of us so we can see them. Why not allow them to by listening to and obeying God’s Word in every part of life. Before long we’ll have the Blessings that God promised clearly in our gaze, ready to be pursued for a happy future!

Rising up…

Matthew 13:33 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread.”

Now I’m sure we have all seen the work that yeast does when we make bread. We put a very small amount in the mixture and in no time it has permeated the whole thing. Yeast doesn’t stop its work there though. It then begins to expand and stretch the dough until it is ready for baking.

This verse tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven, or more simply God’s way of doing things, works like yeast. You only need to introduce a little into your life and before long every area of your life is influenced by it. You begin feeling yourself stretching and expanding in God as it does its perfect work.

Often people ask us how to grow in God. The answer is to pick a truth from God’s Word and obey it. Let it into your life and it will begin working like yeast causing good change in so many areas.

This week why not do this for yourself. Open up your bible and locate a truth from God’s Word that you would like in your life. Do exactly what the bible says to receive it. Then allow it to commence working in you like yeast. Before long the Kingdom of Heaven will be permeating every part of your life and you will be growing in God like never before. It is a simple process with a powerful result – try it!

Time for a Change…

Malachi 3:6 “I am the Lord, and I do not change”

Everything changes! Change affects things we want it to as well as things we rather it didn’t. It does not matter if it’s a hairdo, car, house, friendship or a season everything changes. We must continually remind ourselves that change is a vital part of life.

Our verse shows us that only one thing exists that will never change, and that is God. He is stable, unchanging and solid. He is the firm foundation for us to anchor our life to. God will not change in any way. If something is going to change it will be us, not Him.

People often find change difficult to navigate but it shouldn’t be. God’s Word tells us how to live and adapt to change. The simplest key to winning is for us to obey God’s Word no matter what! In times of change always remember that God’s Word is His Word is His Word! Stick with it and you will discover that His perfect plan will brilliantly come forth and everything will be OK because of it.

This week don’t let change intimidate you. Instead, open your Bible and anchor yourself to God’s Word. Let it change you. God will be there and before you know it things will be getting better. You will train yourself to like change instead of fearing it. Get ready for a powerful week ahead – we love you!

No Surprise Here…

Revelation 3:8 “I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me.” [NLT]

Ladies appreciate a gentleman opening the door for them and men consider it an honor to do so. When a door is opened it enables us to move faster, easier and safer to our destination.

Our verse today says that God notices all the things we do and He moves ahead of us opening doors. When God does this for us we can be assured that it is impossible for anyone to close the door He has opened.  Even when we feel weak we can trust Him enough to obey and walk through.

This week remember that God is seeing everything we do. He is preparing our future by opening the right doors ahead of us. With Him we will be able to pass through quickly and safely staying true to our God destination.

Today, dare to believe that it’s time for God’s open doors in your life that no one can close! Advance though them even when you feel weak – God is upholding you!