Family Future…

“But the Lord’s love for those who respect him continues forever and ever, and his goodness continues to their grandchildren”
Psalm 103:17

The foundations under any building are what cause it to stand strong. If they are faulty or inferior, they won’t fully support the structure that is built upon them. If foundations are weak, they will almost certainly fail at some time in the future causing hurt & devastation.

Today’s verse teaches us how to build the strong foundation that strong families need. It says that as we show respect to God. He pours out His love & goodness on us. But it goes further than that. He keeps pouring this love & goodness out onto our children and onto our grandchildren. Now that’s a strong foundation to build under any family upon!

It’s not difficult to show respect to God. As we are obedient to His Word and live life the way the Bible says our lives will transform from being self-centred to being God-focused. We become a vessel of worship to Him and He responds by pouring His love & goodness into us as well as the future generations of our families.

This week lets strengthen the foundations of our family and start effecting the coming generations. As we make a choice to do things God’s way, we cause His love and goodness to flood over us, our children and our children’s children. A strong foundation will be formed that’ll enable our families to stand strong through any storm. Prepare today for a strong family tomorrow!