Food For Thought…

“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 14:17

Everyone loves to eat & drink. These are a basic of life. A necessity. They are also an enjoyable part of our daily activity. People will even hold competitions to see who can eat or drink the most in the shortest amount of time. What they see as a game others see as a necessity to survival.

Today’s verse reminds us that there are even greater things to strive for than eating, drinking or our physical needs. Taking care of our basics needs is God’s job, one he does faithfully. Our Father in heaven wants us to go beyond these and seek first His Kingdom [Matthew 6:33].  As we go beyond the basics a superior result is produce in our lives.

God provides the benefits of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit for our life in His Kingdom. These 3 things are necessary to sustaining life more than eating & drinking. Living in the kingdom of God [living God’s way rather than our own] means we can partake of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY every day. This is the miracle life that God produces for us.

This week lets go beyond what we need and enter into God’s best instead. God wants to sustain us in His RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY but if we keep focusing on life’s necessities we’ll never receive what He has for us. Remember God shall supply all our needs [Philippians 4:3] freeing us up to receive His RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY. Allowing us to enter a life we really want to live.

A Superior Result…

Romans 14:17 “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit.” [NIV]

Everyone loves to eat and drink; it is not only a necessity but also an enjoyable part of life. Some people even hold competitions for fun to see who can eat the most in the quickest amount of time.

Now for the surprise… God says that there are greater things to strive for than our physical needs. Why? Because taking care of our needs is His job.  Our Father in heaven wants us to seek first His Kingdom.  As we do this He tells us about three things that will produce a superior result.

Just as we understand the benefit of eating and drinking to sustain our natural lives, God has provided the benefits of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit for our life in God’s Kingdom.

What does this mean for us? Living in the kingdom of God means we get to partake of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit. A miracle? You bet!

Best of all God wants to sustain us in His RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit everyday of our lives.  Say “YES” to kingdom living today!