My Nation My Calling…

All the nations of the world can now know the truth and be brought into obedient belief
Romans 16:26

Fernandez de Quiros discovered the land of Australia in 1606. He prophetically prayed and proclaimed over that nation & the Islands of the South Pacific that it was to be called “…the Southern Land of the Holy Ghost…” In the 1930s Smith Wigglesworth prophesied over the same area proclaiming they would see the last great move of the Holy Spirit on earth. A move that would eclipse anything seen before. Sound awesome? Absolutely!

Today’s verse is a Prophetic Word over the nations of the world. Prophetic Words carry God’s promises as they speak out His plan and purpose. But what does it take to bring God’s prophetic word into existence? It’s relatively simple. We must take a hold of God’s promise in prayer, believe what God has said, then obey His word… no matter what we see with our natural eyes.

The truth is every Nation has callings, appointed times in history & boundaries for their lands. God has set each of these in eternity. Those who inhabit the land are ordained to be a part of the plan God has for that Nation. So the question is never about whether or not God’s word will come to pass. The ONLY question is will you be a part of it? Will, you be a part of what God has spoken over & into your nation.

This week let’s challenge ourselves to be a part of what God is doing in our Nations. Let’s pray, believe and obey God in it. Let’s do our part in ensuring the Words He’s spoken over our life, our family and our nation actually come forth. It’s time for action… Will you be a part of it?