Leaping to Destiny…

For we live by faith, not by sight
2 Corinthians 5:17

There’s an antelope common to Africa called the Impala. It’s one of their most common and graceful animals. They are able to jump to a height of 4 metres and cover a distance of more than 10. These splendid creatures are able to be kept in a Zoo enclosure with only a 1-metre-high wall. None escape because they’re unwilling to jump if they can’t see where their feet will land.

Today’s verse lets us know that escape from our present circumstances isn’t dependent on what we can see in our present situation. We’re told that our future is framed by faith and that everything we presently see has little or no value in bringing change to our future. It’s what we can’t yet see that will deliver change [Romans 4:17].

Many believers live a life fenced about with fear. They won’t jump in faith to a greater future because they don’t know where their feet will land. They believe that escape is impossible. Our verse says that we should LEAP regardless and know that God has a safe landing and a magnificent future ahead for us. This type of faith is what pleases God [Hebrews 11:6].

This week let’s leap over our fears & pursue what faith is calling us to. Fear only ever limits, controls and fences us in. Let’s find a promise in God’s Word about our future and LEAP forward in faith with it. Before long we’ll wonder why we stayed captive so long when God had such a wide, expansive, open life waiting for us [2 Corinthians 6:11-13 Message Translation].

What You Really Want…

Abraham believed in the God who gives life to the dead and calls into existence those things that do not exist 
Romans 4:17

Most people want what they see. If they’re watching a cooking show on TV, they want that food. If they see a sporty car in a glossy magazine, it’s the one they need. Large companies and movie studios make use of this weakness to advertise and sell products to many people. It works for them but it’s not how God’s Kingdom functions.

Today’s verse shows us clearly God’s way to move ahead in life. We’re told to believe, trust, commit & have faith in God. We’re to look at nothing else but God to form our future. He’ll cause life to enter where only death has been. He’ll cause darkness to flee as light enters in. He’ll ensure that every stench leaves our life and that the aroma of heaven remains.

We’re also told that God calls into existence things that do not already exist. He did it in creation [Genesis 1] and He’s still doing it today. He’s speaking over our lives so they’ll become exactly what they’re meant to be [Jeremiah 29:11]. Rather than looking at what’s wrong around us let’s speak out our God’s future and let His Word form life’s road ahead.

This week let’s begin to re-fashion our future God’s way rather than the worlds. Let’s take our eyes off what we see and start speaking God’s Word to what needs to change. Before long we’ll notice life begin to adjust with new things existing where they never existed before. Simply believe, trust and speak God’s Word and  be ready to grab a hold of the greatest future.

About That…

Set your minds on things above, not that which is in The Earth”
Colossians 3:2

Have you ever set an alarm and woken only to discover it’d been set for the wrong time? It’s so frustrating. Now we’re running late & we’ll probably miss our appointment. At the very least we’ll have to rush & race to get to where we’re needed. If we’d taken a little more care & effort we would have set our alarm correctly & everything would have gone smoothly.

Today’s verse lets us know how to set our mind correctly so things go well. We are to think, judge & regulate ourselves according to heavens view rather than what’s happening here on earth. What we see, feel, touch, smell & hear are tangible but temporal. It’s the things we can’t see [Romans 4:17, Hebrews 11:3] that’ll form our future. So if we set our minds by our feelings we’ll take ourselves towards the wrong future.

Our focus needs to be on what’s above. We must ensure that our minds are set on things that’ll count for eternity rather than stuff that’ll rot & rust [Matthew 6:19]. We must live our lives for Godly purposes rather than for selfishness & self gain. When we focus correctly we set our minds to drive our future towards God’s plan & purposes.

This week lets avoid getting wrapped up in the things of this earth. Let’s stop focusing on all the stuff around us that has no eternal value. Instead let’s discover heavens viewpoint, from God’s Word; The Bible. Then let’s set our minds on those things. Let’s see every situation from God’s perspective rather than our own. That way our minds will be set correctly and we’ll be focused on things above today & everyday.

Jump To It…

“For we live by faith, not by sight” 2 Corinthians 5:17

There’s an antelope common to Africa called the Impala. It’s one of their most common and graceful animals. It can jump to a height of 4 metres covering a distance of more than 10. These splendid creatures can be kept in Zoo enclosure with only a 1 metre high wall. None escape because they’re unwilling to jump if they can’t see where their feet will land.

Today’s verse lets us know that escape from our present circumstances isn’t dependent on what we can see in our present situation. We’re told that our future is framed by faith and that everything we presently see has little or no value in bringing change to our future. It’s what we can’t yet see that will deliver change [Romans 4:17].

Many believers live a life fenced about with fear. They won’t jump in faith to a greater future because they don’t know where their feet will land. They believe that escape is impossible. Our verse says that we should JUMP regardless and know that God has a safe landing and a magnificent future ahead for us. This type of faith is what pleases God [Hebrews 11:6].

This week let’s leap over our fears and pursue what faith is calling us to. Fear only ever limits, controls and fences us in. Let’s find a promise in God’s Word about our future and JUMP forward in faith with it. Before long we’ll wonder why we stayed captive so long when God had such a wide, expansive, open life waiting for us [2 Corinthians 6:11-13 Message Translation].


“Abraham believed in the God who gives life to the dead and calls into existence those things that do not exist” Romans 4:17

Most people want what they see. If they’re watching a cooking show on TV they want that food. If they see a sporty car in a glossy magazine it’s the one they need. Large companies and movie studios make use of this weakness to advertise and sell products to many people. It works for them but it’s not how God’s Kingdom functions.

Today’s verse shows us clearly God’s way to move ahead in life. We’re told to believe, trust, commit & have faith in God. We’re to look at nothing else but God to form our future. He’ll cause life to enter where only death has been. He’ll cause darkness to flee as light enters in. He’ll ensure that every stench leaves our life and that the aroma of heaven remains.

We’re also told that God calls into existence things that don’t already exist. He did it in creation [Genesis 1] and He’s still doing it today. He’s speaking over our lives so they’ll become exactly what they’re meant to be [Jeremiah 29:11]. Rather than looking at what’s wrong around us let’s speak out our God’s future and let His Word form life’s road ahead.

This week let’s begin to re-fashion our future God’s way rather than the worlds. Let’s take our eyes off what we see and start speaking God’s Word to what needs to change. Before long we’ll notice life begin to adjust with new things existing where they never existed before. Simply believe, trust and speak God’s Word and get ready for a great future.