Caution Roadwork…

Philippians 1:6 “I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished…”

When roadwork commence on a highway it’s easy to become frustrated. We have to slow down and crawl along while they work to upgrade the road. Eventually it is complete and we are speeding along in safety again. We soon forget that it had ever happened.

Likewise our verse tells us about the work God has planned in us. He says He has already started it and that it is going to continue. It will keep going until it is complete just like road works. At that time we will again speed along in life and get to the planned destination safely.

The powerful key to victory here is to never allow frustration to set in. God is doing a perfect work in us so we need to slow down and yield to His mighty hand. It may seem slow, bumpy and dirty but as soon as it’s complete we’ll forget the difficulty and frustration that was there. We’ll be speeding along with a smile on our face.

This week know that God is doing a work in you and in everyone around you. Decide not to react in frustration and anger but reach out to others with love and concern. As you do this you’ll reap the same back as a harvest in your life. Rather than people reacting to you they’ll be supporting you. Try it and see just how true the Word of God can be in your life.

Wild Excitement…

Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore let us also, seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” [WEB]

Do you remember the foot races at school? It was always easier to finish when our team was cheering us on. Whenever we feel supported we naturally feel better and achieve more.

Our verse today reminds us that we have awe-inspiring support in a great cloud of witnesses. They are there just for us and as they cheer… we win! Today they are roaring, “NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD – KEEP GOING!”

As you can see our victory comes from what we do with this support. God wants us to discard every weight and every clinging sin holding us back… they are too heavy for us anyway.  By dropping them we obtain the freedom to run our race.

Why wait another day?  Lets discard any discouragement; past failure or weighty sin that slows us down… leave them beside the track. As we do this the cloud of witnesses will go wild with excitement. We will MOVE FASTER AND SEE CLEARER than ever before. Our heavenly supporters will wildly cheer us on to the finishing line!

No Risk Offer…

1 Corinthians 3:11 “For no one can lay any FOUNDATION other than the one already laid, which is JESUS Christ.” [NIV]

Every building has FOUNDATIONS designed to carry specific loads. There is only one sure FOUNDATION that can carry the load of you and your family… Jesus is this FOUNDATION. He can support everything… you, your calling and your destiny.

He will take the maximum load that you can put on Him at any time. No matter what burden, no matter what sorrow, no matter what fear… He can carry it for you.

The truth is there is only one FOUNDATION suitable for us to build upon. It is a FOUNDATION that will not crack and will never crumble. This FOUNDATION is JESUS Christ. JESUS is a FOUNDATION that we don’t have to wait to be laid; it is completely ready to build upon right now. Don’t ever build on other FOUNDATIONS like people, jobs or financial security because they will not hold us securely and faithfully… only Jesus can do this for us.

No risk now, no risk later… JESUS is more than able to carry the load and burdens of your life. Take any weights from your life and lay them upon the FOUNDATION that is JESUS Christ. He will carry them for you – it’s what JESUS does!!!

It’s True! Payday Is Coming…

Ephesians 6:8 “Good work will get you GOOD PAY from the Master, regardless of whether you are slave or free.” [MSG]

Payday will always come! We all love payday because we get a return for our time and labor giving us money to use for our future. When God is your master you will always get the BEST pay for serving Him, His leaders, His people and doing life His way… now this is fantastic news.

But that’s just a part of the story; the devil has a payday as well for those who do things his way. The devils pay is debt, sickness, disease and brokenness… everything that you and I don’t want.   People often carry out his work not realizing that without a doubt he will surely pay them in their future… guaranteed!

Sometimes it seems as if those who do evil are prospering… NEVER despair. We need to have great compassion for them because they have not yet had their eyes opened to the devils payday! Pray they will see it before eternity!

For these and many other reasons KEEP DOING GOOD WORKS FOR THE LORD. Our payday is coming with GOOD PAY from our master. Never tire in doing good works; you’ll be so glad you did… God’s payday always comes!