We’re with you….

Psalm 23:6 “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever”

Have you ever been walking and discovered a lonely dog has started to follow you. No matter how fast or slow you walk it just adjusts it’s pace to be near you. This new found friend is almost impossible to lose until your walk is over.

This verse let’s us know that when we’re dwelling in the house of the Lord we’re being pursued by two amazing forces, goodness & mercy. They’re both keeping pace with us every hour of every day. They never lag behind or run ahead. They stay with us all the time.

The key to keeping goodness and mercy in our lives is to remain in God’s House, the Church. After God places us in His Church we must remain faithful to it. The proof that we’re committed to the church is that both goodness and mercy will be with us. If they’re not then we’re not fully committed to our church.

This week let’s take a look around. Can we see goodness & mercy around us? If they’re not there then we need to consider our commitment to our church. If we’re just turning up and contributing nothing then goodness and mercy won’t be near. As our commitment to God’s House increases so too does the presence of goodness & mercy in our lives

Make this week the beginning of something greater in your life. Allow goodness & mercy to come in close by increasing your commitment to your Church.