The Echo…

Isaiah 42:12 “Make God’s glory resound; echo his praises from coast to coast.”

As a child I enjoyed visiting Echo Point. Whatever I spoke would bounce back from across the valley. When I yelled really loud the words would rapidly return and I would hear them repeat over & over until they eventually faded away into the distance valleys.

The echo is a powerful spiritual weapon given to the believer. When we use the echo the way God intends it becomes a powerful force that advances His Kingdom and rapidly takes ground back from the enemy. If used in the negative it results in the destructive sin of gossip.

Now, God intention is that we echo His Glory; that is everything that He is doing now. He intends us to speak this out and allow it to bounce across the entire nation from coast to coast… in other words He expects everyone to hear about it.

The louder we speak the greater and stronger our echo becomes. The problem is that when we refuse to tell people about what God is doing then our voice can never become an echo and we miss out on the wonderful rewards that it brings.

This week, lets see how loud and how often we can talk about the great things that God is doing? As we do, they’ll become firstly an echo to those close by and then, as God plans, an echo to the entire nation. If you have time why not read on in Isaiah 42 to discover what the Echo results in.