Forever Happy…

Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice!

Everyone has happy days and sad ones. Of course we all like happy days and really enjoy the gladness that they bring. Even in the midst of very challenging days we can still experience great joy, happiness and contentment. It’s actually the best way to live and it’s possible to accomplish.

Today’s verse focuses on the fact that you and I should be rejoicing. This means that we shouldn’t expect life to be sad, mournful and sorrowful. We need to make a firm decision that if God’s Words says rejoice then rejoicing is exactly what we’ll be doing. It’s actually so important that this verse tells us twice that we should rejoice.

Now, rejoice means to be glad, calmly happy, joyful & thriving. We’re meant to be this way at all times and forevermore. Every day anxiety, fear and oppression tries to suck joy from our lives. When we experience these times it’s vital that we gather our thoughts together & then focus clearly on what the Lord has done, and is doing, for us. Correct focus will cause us to rejoice and it’ll make the enemy back off quickly.

This week lets write a list that contains some of the great things God has done in our lives; things that cause us to rejoice in Him. Carry that list with you and when anxiety, fear or oppression tries to come against you use it to rejoice in the Lord. Before long we’ll be living a life that’s glad, calmly happy, joyful and thriving.