Listen Up…

“Whoever has ears, let them hear” Matthew 13:9

Have you ever been talking with someone only to discover that they’ve zoned out. Instead of hearing what you’re saying they’re just listening to the sound of your voice. If you ask a simple question they get a glazed look and don’t understand what you’re asking. It’s because there’s a big difference between listening and hearing.

Today’s verse is Jesus summation of the parable of the sower. He says if we have the ability to hear we should listen to and understand what He speaks. This means we should actively consider, perceive and comprehend what’s being said. Many believers listen to God’s Word but some have a difficulty hearing what’s being spoken directly to them.

Some believers have acquired the ability to hear and accept what the world and its media says rather than hearing and accepting what God’s Word speaks. The moment we’re born again we’re empowered to hear clearly from God and His Word. It takes an actual choice to ignore God’s Word over a situation. We’ve been given ears to consider, perceive and comprehend His voice and so we must do more than merely listen – we must hear & live what He says.

This week let’s hear God’s Word with a fresh set of ears. Instead of having the mindset “I’ve read this before” let’s take in every Word from our Bible readings as if it’s the first time we’ve heard it. Let’s receive God’s Word as being written personally to us and to our situation. Before long we’ll be feeling encouraged & empowered as life starts to become so much more enjoyable.