This Belongs to You…

For everything belongs to YOU” 1 Corinthians 3:21 & 22

Have you ever heard kids squabbling over a belonging? “It’s mine!” they each argue. They continue fighting and reasoning until one wins and the others relinquish the treasure. The victor leaves, valiantly holding the prize, with a great feeling of pleasure & accomplishment.

In today’s verse the Apostle Paul tells us that everything is ours. In the following verse he says that the world, life & death, the present & the future are already our belongings. This means we don’t have to quarrel and fight with the enemy or other people for them. They already belong to us!

When we belong to Christ our past and our yesterday has gone. They don’t belong to us anymore. So why try to hold onto them? It’s better to release them to God and then get a good hold of what does belong to us: the present & the future. God’s imminent plan is to prosper us and give us future and hope [Jeremiah29:11].

This week let’s start creating a great future rather than holding onto a difficult and destructive past. When the enemy tries to bring up our past up let’s tell him about our future and exactly what God’s doing. We’ll hold the future like a treasured prize displaying it valiantly with a look of pleasure & accomplishment. Both the present and the future are ours so let’s not squander them; let’s make them flourish!

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