A Great Meal…

Psalm 34:8 “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!”

There is something special about a great meal. Often before we see it, we smell the aroma that is coming from it. Our hunger is aroused and finally we get to see the meal and taste the many flavors that it carries. Our senses were right; it was a great meal!

Today’s verse says that we’re to taste and see that the Lord is good. You may have already caught the aroma of God in your life and sensed that He is good but this verse challenges us to go a step further. We’re to become active and experience all we can in God so that we can see His Goodness above everything else.

Now, not all people see God as good. Some haven’t set out to experience God in that way and so they think otherwise. But you and I know that our God is a good God! We know that what we’ve sensed is true and above everything else, we know that we know, that God is a good God. He is filled to overflowing with goodness.

This week let’s take the goodness of God to the people around us. Let’s have conversations with others about the goodness of God. Allow them to catch the aroma of His goodness so their hunger for Him is ignited. Then lead them on to taste and see His goodness in their lives. Before long they’ll be doing the same for their friends and everyone’s life will be the better for it.