Released & Free…

“For if you forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you”
Matthew 6:14

Daily we’re offered the opportunity to become offended with people. It may be with our politicians, pastors, friends or strangers. No matter who offends us, if we don’t deal with it, our future becomes incapacitated. We become a weaker person.

This week’s verse clearly shows us why we need to forgive. Our heavenly father doesn’t forgive our offence unless we forgive others. That’s why we must learn how to forgive & release people when they offend us. We’ve done this and it works, so we encourage you to do it as well. When we forgive others, it propels us forward into God’s amazing grace & plan for our future.

So, how do we know if we’re carrying offence? If we can clearly remember the pain & hurt of the event then it’s likely that forgiveness towards that person is still in process in our life. We must release people from the blame for what they’ve done so we can be released from the clutches of offence.

This week let’s working on forgiving those who have offended us. Let’s start by asking the Holy Spirit to show us who they are and how we’re to release & forgive them. Then let’s commit to pray for them just like we would pray for ourselves. As we do this any bitterness in our soul will leave and hindrances to our future will begin to dissolve.