“Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault.”
Jude 1:24
Do you have a special piece of jewellery, stocks & bonds or treasured gift that is kept in a safe place so that it won’t get lost, stolen or damaged? It’s usually a secret place that only you and possibly your closest confidants know about. It’s a safe place of keeping that can be accessed whenever the treasured possession is needed.
Today’s verse, written by Jude the half-brother of Jesus, gives insight into a unique and powerful side of God; His “Keeping Power.” We’re told that God is able to keep us and bring us. God will do the keeping & the bringing but only when we let Him. We must locate ourselves in His safe place, under His Word, so that He can keep & bring us to the amazing places he has planned.
Believers are often unaware of God’s “Keeping Power”. Whenever I look back over my life, I increasingly see what God has kept me from and also what He is bringing me to. I see God’s “Keeping Power” in action each & every day. But why would God want to do this? It’s simply so that He can have us with Him, faultless & filled with joy bringing Him glory.
This week let’s take a moment to look back over our lives. As we do this let’s also allow the Holy Spirit to reveal what God has kept us from and what he is bringing us to. As we do, we’ll step into overflowing joy in His presence in His special place. Then all we’ll want to do is glorify God more!