Greater Things…

“Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these” 
John 14:12

God cares less for where we’ve been than he does for where we are, and where we’re going. Our past is the past but today’s decisions will frame what our tomorrow is going to be. Our future is birthed today & Jesus expects it to be greater than ever before.

Today’s verse lets us know that the amazing things that Jesus did we’re filled with hope, expectancy and faith for our future. As we believe in Jesus, not only can we do what He did but He expects us to do even GREATER THINGS. Even greater things than Jesus did!

Every day we should be make valued decisions to do greater things in God than we accomplished yesterday. There’s always a better way of doing things and the Holy Spirit wants to lead us to reach forward into them. Jesus doesn’t expect us to arrive at to our destination in a day. He’s taking us on a journey, a process, to get us there. It’s accomplished as we listen & yield to the Holy Spirit so well collide with our fabulous future.This week let’s decide to do greater things than what we’ve been doing. Let’s listen closely to the Holy Spirit and make choices according to God’s Word. Before long we’ll be in our future doing the greater things that Jesus spoke about.

Greater Things…

John 14:12 “Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these”

God cares less for where we’ve been than he does for where we are, and where we’re going. Our past is the past but today’s decisions will frame what tomorrow is going to be. Our futures are birthed today and Jesus expects them to be greater than ever before.

When we look at the amazing things that Jesus did we’re filled with hope, expectancy and faith for our future. This verse reminds us that, as we believe in Jesus, not only can we do what He did but he expects us to do even GREATER THINGS. Even greater things than Jesus did!

Every day we should be making valued decisions to do greater things in God than we accomplished yesterday. There’s always a better way of doing things and the Holy Spirit wants to lead us to reach forward towards them.

Jesus doesn’t expect us to get to our destination in a day. Rather, He’s taking us on a journey, a process to get to there. It’s accomplished as we listen & yield to the Holy Spirit. Doing this ensures that we’ll collide with our fabulous future.

This week let’s decide to do greater things than what we’ve been doing. Let’s listen closely to the Holy Spirit and make choices according to God’s Word. Before we know it we’ll be in our future doing even greater things like Jesus said!