It’s Mealtime…

“…If someone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he will eat with me” 
Revelation 3:20

Spending quality time together is always memorable. We often do this by sitting around a table, with friends, enjoying a great meal. The conversation we have are always animated, the fellowship is always fabulous and the memories are precious.

Today’s verse reminds us that we have an open invitation to spend quality time with Jesus. Not only do we get to have time together, we also get to hear what’s on Jesus’ heart as we share what’s on ours. We get to eat with Him, while He eats with us.

In this modern world this may seem difficult but it’s never impossible. We must step away from our distractions and get alone to hear from Jesus. A great way to so this is to grab a coffee & our bible then spend a few minutes quietly in the garden just talking with Him. It is amazing what Jesus will share during these moments.

So, this week why not have a meal with Jesus. Let’s set a time & place to be alone and prepared to hear from Him while we share our heart. The conversation will be animated; the fellowship fabulous and the memories will be precious. This time will help prepare us to be equipped to win in life like never before.


Revelation 3:20 “…If someone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he will eat with me.

Spending quality time together is always memorable. We often do this by sitting around a table, with friends, enjoying a great meal. The conversation is always animated, the fellowship is fabulous and the memories are precious.

Our verse tells us that we have an open invitation to spend quality time with Jesus. Not only do we get to have time together, we also get to hear what’s on Jesus’ heart while we share what’s on ours. We get to eat with Him, while He eats with us.

To enter this time of communion requires one simple act: us hearing the voice of Jesus. In the hustle and bustle of this modern world this can prove difficult at times but never impossible. Jesus never asks us to do the impossible.

We need to allocate time to step away from distractions and be alone to hear from Jesus. A great way is to make a cup of coffee, grab our bible, and spend a few minutes quietly in the garden just talking with Him. It is amazing what He shares during these moments.

This week why not have a meal with Jesus. Set a time and place to be alone and then get ready to hear from Him whilst sharing your heart. The conversation will be animated; the fellowship fabulous and the memories will be precious. Prepare yourself to be equipped to win in life like never before.