2 Plus 2…

Matthew 6:33 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

One of the earliest and simplest lessons we learn in math at school was two plus two equaled four.  Once we have learnt this basic then other things could be built upon it. If we failed to learn it we’d have no foundation for future learning.

Today’s verse teaches us God’s way for us to receive what’s needed in our lives. It explains that when we seek His kingdom above all else AND live righteously then He gives us everything we need. Difficulties in life arise when we try using a different formula than the one God says will work.

We should continually endeavor to put God’s Kingdom first. This means doing things God’s way, the way the bible says. As we do this all things that we need will be given to us. Using any other formula doesn’t produce the same result; we must put God’s Kingdom first and live rightly to receive what’s needed.

This week let’s commit afresh to God’s way of doing things above all else. As we do this and continue living righteously, we allow God to give us the things we need. Seeking His Kingdom above all else ensures that our future will be beyond what we can ask or think. We’ll propel ourselves into God’s plan and purpose supplied with all that is needed.