Wise People Build…

Matthew 7:24 “Every one who hears my teachings and acts upon them is like a wise man who builds his house upon rock”

It always fascinates me to watch a building being built. Methodically each piece is placed in its correct position and before long an empty block becomes a great building. It has taken a lot of work, skill and wisdom to accomplish this amazing task.

Our verse tells us that wise people will build. Wisdom to do this is gained simply by hearing & acting on the Word of God. These two vital elements, hearing & acting on God’s Word, form the rock solid foundation that will ensure lasting results from whatever we’re creating.

It takes effort to build. The last thing we desire is for it to be knocked over or easily destroyed. The foundation becomes extremely important in making a structure sound. That’s why we build on rock and not moving sand. The right foundation will ensure that everything will last even through life’s most powerful storms.

This week let’s remember that every person leaves behind something. Why not leave something that is guaranteed to last. Let’s be wise people and build our lives and families on the Word of God. Hearing what it says and acting upon it. We’ll start becoming stronger each and everyday. The foundation of our family will become rock solid and immovable as we do. It will cause us to leave a great legacy that will be able to bless the generations ahead.