The Secret to Peace…

“The Lord makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside peaceful waters”
Psalm 23:2

Have you ever had an overwhelming day? A day where everything demands your attention and nothing seems easy to complete. As your day progresses you feel like throwing your hands up in the air and giving up on everything. For some people this isn’t just a day it’s a reflection of their whole life. God doesn’t intend His Children to live this way

Today’s verse provides a solution to this problem. It tells us that God has a place for us lo lie down, stretch out & receive peace rather than giving up. God provides a place for every believer but it’s not always easy to enter. We’re told that God has to make us lie down, stretch out and enter His peace. It’s vitally important that we do this and stay there to be refreshed and reenergized for the season ahead.

So how do we enter our place of refreshing? Psalm 23:1 says that it’s simply by making the Lord our Shepherd. In other words we’re able to lie down, stretch out and receive peace by doing things God’s way; the way He says in the Bible. When we struggle on trying to make our own lives less overwhelming life always seems to get worse. God wants to lead us into His place of peace and refreshing and away from the turmoil that we’ve experienced.

This week don’t throw your hands up and surrender to your circumstances. Instead lets receive from God by letting go of our own agendas and ways of doing things. God’s Word must be allowed to guide us to His place of peace. A place where we can lie down, stretch out and receive His refreshing. As we do this we’ll soon discover our future is clearer, our path is brighter, and our tomorrow is so much greater than our yesterday.