Need Some Help…

If God hadn’t been there for me, I never would have made it.
Psalm 94:17

If only life was like the movies!!! In the movies just when everything is at its worst, the superhero zooms in and saves the day. No matter how bad things were getting, he was right on time & he never disappointed. The whole theater would erupt with cheers of celebration as good prevailed over bad.

Today’s verse let’s us know about our superhero; that is our God. It explains the glorious timing of God in our lives. We’re reminded that He will always be there for us. He is continually helping us no matter how bad things appear. Even when our life seems to be at its very lowest point, He is there helping. He ensures that we make it through every impossible circumstance.

Jehovah Ezer; The Lord my help [Psalm 33:20] is one of the majestic names of God. This name describes a unique & specific part of God’s character. He is always ready to help us & He’ll intervene in our lives to ensure we make it through. Our responsibility is to acknowledge Him in this. We are to be thankful for His help just like the psalmist in today’s verse. We are to know that we can’t make it without God helping us.

This week lets get that help. Rather than doing life our own way let’s allow Jehovah Ezer to help us through. Lets take time to ask God to intervene in every impossible & difficult area of our life. Let’s ensure we’re living life God’s way, expecting God’s results. God wants to deliver us into a magnificent future. One that’s abundantly filled with His hope & joy. The future that God wants to help us get into!