Passing It On…

1 Thessalonians 5:11 “…Encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.”

It is amazing how much a team can achieve in a day compared to a single person. As one team member helps the other, difficult tasks are quickly completed and easy tasks are knocked off in a fraction of the time. Each team member has the same vision and works toward the same goal.

This verse works on the team principle. As we are encouraged we should encourage others. As we are built up we should build others up. No matter what we’re doing any encouragements we receive we should pass on.

Now, the key to living this principle from God’s Word is that it takes one person to get it started. Whenever we encourage and build others up we create a healthy & Godly culture amongst all those that we are connected to.

This week why not be the encourager in your world. Start a tsunami of change by building others up and helping them accomplish their difficult tasks. Soon enough a team of great people will surround you and ensure that your difficult tasks are quickly completed and easy tasks are knocked off in a fraction of the time.

No matter what we’re doing this week let’s find people to encourage and build up. As they come across our path let’s make sure they know that we believe in them and are for them because we are all on the same team.