Return to Sender…

2 Timothy 1:7 “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Have you ever received someone else’s mail by mistake? It may be addressed to a person who has left the address. If you don’t know the name you simply mark it “return to sender” and mail it back.

Today’s verse shows us how easy it is to receive the wrong thing. When we’re born again we are meant to receive things only from God. But the devil continually attempts to deliver stuff that we don’t need or want.

Fear is one thing that the devil will try to deliver and it’s not a gift we want. It is one that needs to be marked “return to sender” and be removed from our lives as fast as possible.

Our verse says that God simply sends us a spirit of power and love and a sound mind. If we’re receiving anything else besides this then it’s not coming from God.

This week let’s check what we’ve already received in our lives. If it’s not full of God’s power and love and causing us to have a sound mind then it must be dealt with quickly. Tell fear that this verse says that it has landed at the wrong address and that we’re returning it to its sender. As we do this life will reach a new level of freedom as we receive only what God wants us to have.