His Great Plan…

Psalm 33:11 “But the Lords plans stand firm forever; the plans of his heart to all generations

Every day people build things they’ve planned like houses, offices and roads. When they’re first built they are beautiful & new but as the years pass they decay and often disappear. They simply don’t last forever.

Today’s verse reminds us that God has the only plans that enable things to stand forever. Try as we might, unless we do things Gods way, whatever we produce will simply corrode, crumble & disappear. But when they’re done God’s way they can stand firm forever.

The second part of this verse lets us know what God’s plans include. They include all generations with no exclusions. It includes the young, the old and all those in between – there are no exclusions. Today is a great day to look over your plans and ensure they include all generations. When they do you’ll know that it’ll stand firm forever because God promised!

When we planned Maximize Bible College we ensured it included all generations. We enabled school kids to study free under our scholarship scheme so they could get trained in God’s Word from an early age – something that had not been available to our generation. It was part of God’s plan and our ministry friends & partners have helped out faithfully to finance the coming generation in this.

We know that God’s plans for the future will stand firm because they’re in line with His Word. Why not join us by partnering with the next generation and finance a scholarship to help them grow in God. Every gift is a seed into the next generation that’ll ensure the plans of God will stand firm forever.

Please give generously to help a Bible College student Today!