So Close…

“Jesus went on A LITTLE FURTHER and bowed with his face to the ground, PRAYING, “My Father!…”
Matthew 26:39

In life things can often get in our way and distract us. When they do, we can feel like we’re at our limit or that we can no longer move forward. When we stay there moaning and complaining, nothing ever improves. We just stay in overload. But when we’re able to regain our focus we soon discover there is a place of victory.

Now, this is a great verse to help us focus in difficult times. It says that when we go A LITTLE FURTHER, like Jesus, then PRAY, we enter a zone of victory just like He did. Jesus was able to accomplish the will of His Father because He went FURTHER and PRAYED. When we do the same we’ll become connected to our future and enter our victory.

This is such a powerful key. PRAYER is the connection between the Father and us whenever we reach out to Him. PRAYER also allows the plans of heaven to invade our world. Prayer causes confusion to cease and spiritual strength to be revived.This week let’s go a little FURTHER into God than we’ve ever gone before. Let’s escape our comfort zone and press into Him at a whole new level. Even if it seems impossible or painful. Even if the expected result does not appear quickly, let’s just keep pressing into God. Before long we’ll reach our victory zone exactly as Jesus did so we can fulfil God’s will in this season of our lives.