There’s Time…

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Have you ever felt like you’re running out of time? Does it feel like each year is passing quicker? Christmas just finished and suddenly all the decorations are appearing again in the department stores. Time seems to fly. How can we get everything done and still have time to enjoy our life, family & friends?

Today’s verse holds a key to slowing life down whilst achieving all God has for us. It tells us that we have time to be a part of God’s plan and achieve every activity He has for us. It also reminds us that there are seasons in life. When we’re comfortable in each season we have enjoyment in life. When we’re doing things out of their season our lives become difficult, treacherous and hard to enjoy.

What we need to discover is how to know if we’re doing the right thing in the right season. This is not as difficult as many think. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 lets us know that the Lord of peace himself will give us His peace at all times and in every situation. If we’re doing something for God that isn’t giving us peace then we need to revisit, analyse and decide if it’s really what we’re meant to be doing in this season.

This week let’s connect with the peace that God gives us. As we do, our lives will settle into the rhythm of the season we’re in. This results in us accomplishing every activity that God has ordained us to be a part of and leaves us with ample time to enjoy our life, family, friends & Church