The Blessing Edge…

Psalm 112:1-2 “Hallelujah! BLESSED man, BLESSED woman, who fear God, Who cherish and relish his commandments, their children robust on the earth, And the homes of the upright—how BLESSED! ” [MSG]

Say yes to blessing! Our verse today says that you are BLESSED!

Firstly, you are BLESSED, as you fear God. The word fear means to reverently worship. So as you reverently worship God you become BLESSED. What an opportunity!

Secondly, you are BLESSED as you take pleasure in, relish and delight in God’s way of doing things. You and everyone you know can become a BLESSED man or a BLESSED Woman… right here on earth as you apply God’s Word to your life.

Last of all… when you are BLESSED, your children will be healthy, vigorous, hearty and strong on earth. This magnificent promise is for your family. God promises that the home of the upright is abundantly BLESSED beyond what you could ask for or even think. WOW!

This week make sure you reverentially worship God, do things His way and cherish his commandments, and it will release you to be BLESSED.