Your Future & Hope…

Jeremiah 29:11-14 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a FUTURE AND A HOPE. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will END your captivity and RESTORE your fortunes. I will GATHER you out of the nations where I sent you and will BRING you home again to your own land.” [NLT]

This verse responds to a question in all our hearts – “Why am I here?” Our heavenly father’s tells us He has a plan for us that will give each one of us a FUTURE AND A HOPE! We’re not inconsequential or unimportant but rather we are a vital part of God’s plan on this Earth.

God says that he knows the exact plans that He has for us. His plans will produce good and give us a FUTURE AND A HOPE. If we’re experiencing any degree of failure in our lives then this is not a part of the plan that God has for us. We must reconnect with what God has prepared for us and return to it to obtain a FUTURE AND A HOPE.

We are presently living in the days that this verse is speaking about. A day where if we pray, God will listen. If we look for Him wholeheartedly, we will find Him. We can walk in this promise everyday of our lives. This promise from God will produce a FUTURE AND A HOPE.

His promise concludes with four powerful acts…

1. He will END our captivity (from any form of oppression)
2. RESTORE our fortunes (anything lost will be bought back)
3. GATHER us out of nations (rescue us from where we feel foreign or alienated)
4. BRING us home again to our own land (a place of peace and familiarity with our heavenly Father)

Remember today that God’s plan for us is to have a FUTURE AND A HOPE; it is a plan for good!

Let Go & Let Go…

Psalm 37:5-6 “Open up before God, KEEP NOTHING BACK; he’ll do whatever needs to be done: He’ll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with APPROVAL at high noon. [Message]

Each day we need to make a conscience decision to open up every area of our lives and be vulnerable before God. We must share with our father in heaven what we can’t share with anyone else. Disappointments, hurts, embarrassments and of course our celebrations. He wants us to KEEP NOTHING BACK from Him. Don’t hold back your emotions, thoughts, feelings, tears or joy. Instead let it loose and let God take a hold of every secret place you have.

When we open up, holding nothing back from Him then He promises three results…

  1. He’ll do whatever needs to be done
  2. He will validate us [support & make things right]
  3. He will make sure we’re seen as approved by every one. It will be done at high noon in the brightest part of the clearest day not in a secret hidden ceremony in the dark.

This is such a potent and powerful verse to walk in this week. KEEP NOTHING BACK from God from this day forward and release Him to let His APPROVAL shine through your life for all to see.

Run To Jesus…

Rev 22:13 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the FIRST AND the LAST.”[KJV]

Today’s scripture contains a very powerful key for us to hold in our spirit every day!

This scripture is from the book of Revelations and Jesus is speaking. As Jesus was in the beginning of your situation, He is also in your present. Jesus is going to stay put with you until you have accomplished the goal and received the reward. Jesus is not running away from you or your situation, He is intimately involved with you. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, He is the beginning and the end and He is the FIRST AND LAST. He wants to be totally immersed in every area of your life!

Live life as excited about what you’re going through today, as you will be when you receive your promised reward. Be as expectant and excited today as you were on the first day you set out on your journey with Jesus.

It is vital to keep your faith, hope and energy focused towards the goal. Positioning Jesus in the very centre of your need through prayer, reading & applying His Word is essential to success in life. When you do this you’ll apprehend the prize of your high calling in Christ Jesus.

Remember Jesus is as much in the beginning of things as He is in the end – He is the FIRST AND LAST!

Go a Little Further…

Matthew 26:39 “He (Jesus) went on A LITTLE FURTHER and bowed with his face to the ground, PRAYING, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” [NLT]

This is a great verse… This week, go A LITTLE FURTHER than you have gone before. Even when it may seem painful or the expected result may not appear to be the easiest. Why? To enable you to reach your victory exactly as Jesus did. Jesus had to accomplish the will of His Father so he went on A LITTLE FURTHER.

Often we can have feelings that we are at our limit or that we can’t go on any further. At these times, if we can summon up the obedience to move forward on God’s Word, we will step into our future with all it’s rewards. We often underestimate our strength to accomplish God’s will because we refuse to step out of our comfort zones. We want to dwell in a place of comfort then gripe and complain about nothing happening in our lives.

As you go A LITTLE FURTHER today remember to do exactly what Jesus did, He went on A LITTLE FURTHER then he stopped and PRAYED. PRAYER is the connection between the Father and us. It allows the plans of heaven to invade our world, causes confusion to cease and revives our spiritual strength.

Fulfilling God’s will in this season of your life is often as simple as just going A LITTLE FURTHER!!

Released and Free…

Matthew 6:14 “For if you forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you”

Daily we’re offered the opportunity to become offended with people. It may be with our politicians, pastors, friends or strangers. No matter who offends us, if we don’t deal with it, our future becomes incapacitated.

This weeks verse clearly shows us why we need to forgive. It simply says that our heavenly father doesn’t forgive our offence unless we forgive others. We must learn how to forgive and release people who offend us.

So, how do we know if we’re carrying offence? If we clearly remember the pain and hurt of the event then it’s likely that forgiveness towards that person is still in process in our life. We must continue to release people from the blame for what they’ve done so we can be released from the clutches of offence.

This week let’s work on forgiving those who have offended us. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to release them and forgive them. Then commit to pray for them just like you would pray for yourself. As you do this any bitterness in your soul will leave and hindrances to your future will dissolve.

We’ve done this and it works, so we encourage you to do it as well. Get ready because as you apply this principle to your life it will propel you forward into God’s amazing plans for your future.

Doing it all…

Philippians 4:13 “For I can do ALL THINGS through Christ, who gives me strength”

Some days we think we’ve conquered the world only to discover that there’s still a long “to do” list left. It has taken every ounce of strength to get this far so the rest will have to wait for another time. Everyone experiences days like these.

Today’s verse reminds us how to achieve victory every day. You and I can do somethings & many things in our own strength but we can’t do ALL THINGS. If we want to achieve our full potential we need help. We must obtain it through Christ. He gives us the strength and ability to do ALL THINGS, even the seemingly impossible!

So, how do we access Christ’s strength to do ALL THINGS just like the Apostle Paul? It’s simple, we ensure that Jesus is the central focus of our life. We place Him above and before everything else. We honour Him first in every arena of life – private, public and personal. Jesus gets the best of our time, our resource and our relationships. We vigilantly keep every arena of our lives focused on Jesus.

As we do this the gates of blessing from heaven open and Christ’s strength floods our life. So, this week, re-arrange your life to honour Jesus even more. It takes many simple decisions throughout the day to achieve this and then the promise of Philippians 4:13 will overtake your life and joy will become your constant companion.

Heart Attack…

Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for it determines the course of your life.”

Nowadays wherever we go there are people guarding things. Wether it’s the palace, the airport or the shopping centre. People are on guard and protecting whatever they think is valuable.

Proverbs says that you and I should, above everything else, be guarding our hearts. Our heart carries our desires, motivations, and intimate purposes. So, think for a moment about how much energy, finance and time is spent protecting other things while our hearts are left open to attack. We should be guarding it ABOVE ALL ELSE.

There’s very good reason why we do this. Our heart determines the course of our life. Matthew 12:35 says that a good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart. If our heart isn’t protected and healthy then we’ll become sick and eventually discover ourselves far from God’s course for our life.

So, if life is not heading where it should, then our heart is probably under attack. This can happen through gossip, offence, anger, competition or neglect to name a few. But our heart can be made well and restored when we guard it and action Gods Word in our lives.

This week let’s check in with our heart specialist: the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to tell us what’s up and how to rectify it. Before long our life’s course will be restored and we’ll be producing good things from the treasury of a good heart. Above all we must GUARD YOUR HEART!

The Tough Get Going…

James 1:12 “Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate. The reward is life and more life for those who are loyally in love with God.”

Looking at a garden on a hot day reveals the plants that are up to a challenge and those that are not. Some plants wilt and quickly dry up never to be seen again. Others simply stand strong and stick out the heat. These are the ones that continue to have life.

Some people wilt like a plant in the heat whenever a challenge comes their way. Others rise up, meeting challenges head-on, sticking them out to the end. This verse calls them “mighty fortunate” and says they are rewarded with life and more life. Why? Simply because they got tough and rose to the challenge, sticking it out to the end.

There is only one-way to meet a challenge head-on: by being loyal and in love with God. As we do this, above everything else, we become equipped to succeed no matter how hot or desperate the battle becomes. When it’s over we get rewarded with so much more life than we had before.

Let’s meet our challenges head-on this week. Let’s not wilt and die but rather gain abundant life by simply obeying our verse. Remember the challenge is worth winning so that we receive our reward. Whenever we’re loyal to God and His Word, every challenge we meet head-on is sure to produce abundant life!


Above and Before…

Proverbs 4:7 “Above all and before all, do this: Get Wisdom!”

The journey of life can become busy and overwhelming at times. People rush everywhere trying to do everything they possibly can. Often rapid-fire decisions are made with little forethought. These often prove to be big mistakes that carry a great cost.

In life we need to slow down! Our verse lets us know that God’s way to a successful life is to get His Wisdom above and before everything. This means that God’s Wisdom must come before our plans, desires and schedules and must be placed above our emotions, circumstances and feelings.

Whenever we disregard Wisdom we are heading towards disaster without knowing it.

We can never rush Wisdom; it takes time and energy to gain it. Our bible is chocked full of Wisdom for us to live by. It is there so we can successfully navigate every part of life. The key to getting Wisdom is to slow down and take our time to read, ponder and apply God’s Word to our lives before we do something, not after.

Whenever we prioritize God’s Word in our life we are prioritizing Wisdom in our lives.

This week put God’s Wisdom above and before our personal wisdom. Let’s SLOW DOWN and allow Wisdom to seep into the very depths of our hearts. Allow Wisdom to become the foundation of every decision made. Before long our lives will be flourishing and we will be a people of Wisdom.


A Strong Year…

Ecclesiastes 3:11 “God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot understand what God has done from beginning to end.”

Soon fireworks will be bursting in the sky, trumpets will be blaring and everyone will be celebrating the new year. For many it will be just another event but, for those who choose, it can become a defining moment in their journey with God.

Our family always enter the new year on a strong foot. We make sure that God is central and pivotal at the start so he remains the focus for the whole year, not just the day. Ecclesiastes 3:11 will help make this coming year strong and stable for you.

It gives 3 powerful keys on how to enter this new season:

  1. Don’t rush
  2. Search your heart
  3. Trust God

Don’t rush – Everything we do doesn’t have to be accomplished in one day. Some things take time. If we allow time to do its work then God will ensure that everything becomes beautiful.

Search your heart – Remember that God has planted eternity in our hearts. It makes good sense that we should search our heart and get an eternal prospective on our plans. Make a habit of checking every plan with God and you will have great success ahead.

Trust God – Ensure that your trust is in God. He knows the beginning from the end and every step in-between. There is no one trustworthier than God. When we put our trust in Him our lives stand on a solid and sure foundation.

We believe that 2013 is going to be the best year yet for you. Making God the central and pivotal point at the start is a simple key to having a strong year!